Today, we are focussed on high performance selling techniques; sharing our experience of finding, developing and winning significant deals. Some multi-million. Some 100’s of million. One with a $1.3bn initial order.

It’s all about the numbers

Powerful Videos

Sales Torque understands how to plan and produce high impact content that delivers powerful outcomes.

Sharing Knowledge

Our sales team training is delivered as short, enjoyable-to-watch video-based episodes, designed to build core skills and suggest innovative techniques to stimulating higher performance.

Learning, based on our successful sales & marketing experience

Video training works, when your sales people enjoy watching

The SalesTorque team have been working together for many years; bringing valuable, insightful and entertaining training content to some of the world’s top companies and sales teams.

We want everyone to have access to the secrets, tips and tricks that can help each salesperson raise their game.

And we ride on our reputation: our only KPI is your success

Add and refresh sales skills,
to enhance performance

  • Uncover sales opportunities
  • Engage with more decision makers
  • Increase deal sizes
  • Upsell more effectively
  • Close, with greater confidence
  • Achieve higher margins

Supplement your existing training:

Sales Torque training is a collection of original content that shines a spotlight on customer interaction and creative techniques sales teams can use to engage and prosper.

Sales professionals discover surprising realizations and new opportunities for their success.